
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time Spent: My Guilty Pleasure

     This week's topic for GBE2 Week # 52 is Guilty Pleasure.  Seems easy enough, right?   It's something we all indulge in, and I'm no exception, but for some reason I've had a hard time writing this one. 

     When thinking of my guilty pleasures, the first thing that comes to mind is the usual culprits...chocolate, doughnuts and ice cream.   These would definitely be my go-to foods for guilty pleasure.  I am a self proclaimed chocoholic; fresh doughnuts are out of this world; and who doesn't love ice cream!    These are an easy call, but if I am being honest, not my most intense guilty pleasure.

     So what, might you ask, could give more pleasure than Hershey's pure milk chocolate or rocky road ice cream?    It's computer.

     Okay, I can hear you clearly saying, "Is she crazy?"  No, I am not crazy, I am being honest.  I spend more time on my computer than any person who doesn't get paid for it should.  My husband claims I am addicted to it and he may be right.  I spend way too much time on it and love every minute of it.  It's my way of keeping up with new friends and checking in with old ones.  It's my link to things in this world I will never see.  It's an outlet for a lifelong dream to write and a place to connect with other writers.  Unfortunately, as I accomplish all this, these little voices appear in my head telling me about all the things I should be doing instead.  These little voices are very annoying and no matter what I do they won't go away.  They are determined to make me feel guilty.  Therefore, I would have to say my computer is my greatest, worst (depends on how you look at it) guilty pleasure. 

Until next time...that's my view.


  1. You are so right! I am in love with my Macbook Pro! It does provide a window into so many different worlds...

    (Don't pay attention to those little voices. Enjoy yourself)! :0)

    1. I just don't know how we got along before computers and smart phones! (Maybe we had more time?) LOL

  2. me too, kat. the computer.. and well my iphone.. i love checking messages, mail.. and instagram photos.... guilty, guilty, guilty.

    1. I know Daphne. What did we do with our time before all our gadgets? Love mine!

  3. I've loved mine since 1988 (well not the same one of course) when I first met people from around the world on the internet, that did not have a world wide web at the time. Guilty here!

    1. I just can't imagine being without the internet!

  4. Me too, friend! I read a post by Joe Bunting today here, , which has me considering practicing the discipline of a day of rest from the computer. He shared with me that he abstains from his computer, smart phone, etc. from 6:00 Saturday evening until 6:00 p.m. Sunday. A Sabbath rest if you will. Want to try it with me?

    1. Beth, I could probably manage the computer but I'm not sure I could go a whole day without my smart phone!

  5. I never thought of the computer, but it's so true and now that I have an ipad, well, I think it's physically attached to me already!

    1. I don't have the tablet or e-reader yet but that is certainly next on my list. I want one so bad but just can't get it right now. In the meantime I'll just have to settle for my phone being attached. LOL!

  6. I don't feel at all guilty loving my computers. I enjoy my friends and reading their work and even running around in cyber space looking for new and exciting things to do, read or plan or make. I can't even remember my life before a computer. I must have been either very productive or very bored! LOL

    1. I know what you mean Jo! I think I was probably more productive, but hey, we can't have everything!

  7. I spend too much time online, too. Less than I did a few months ago, but still more than I probably should.

    1. It is just so much fun I don't know how to cut down. I am trying, though. I have done better this month.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Marianne. At least it is one of those guilty pleasures that doesn't really hurt anyone. The housework may be the only casualty!

  9. This is sooo ME!!:)Love Chocolates,Icecreams and my Computer!!And yes,computer is my guilty pleasure as well!

    1. Thanks Laila. Sounds like we have some things in common!

  10. Actually I would like to hang on it too if I had the time. With my kids schedule I hardly get the time.

    1. Yes, Paps, kids would definitely cut down on tech time. They are certainly more important and they grow up so quickly. Enjoy them while you can!

  11. Oh indeed, now that you mention it. I spent too much time with the laptop and the phone. There are times when mum threatens to burn them so that I do more of other things

    1. I think we all do. Thank you for stopping by.


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